
2012年10月18日—△受過治療的傷患依然不可經過火焰(沒有穿消防衣)。◎FIRECAPTAIN消防隊長△隊長每回合只能花費1命令AP在CAFS滅火專家上。,FlashPoint:FireRescueisacooperativegameoffirerescue.TherearetwoversionsofgameplayinFlashPoint,abasicgameandexpertgame.Inboth ...,FlashPoint:FireRescue(2011).Smoke!Fire!Workasateamtosaveasmanyasyoucanfromablazinginferno.24KRatings&4.7KComments·GeekBuddy ...,Coordina...


2012年10月18日 — △受過治療的傷患依然不可經過火焰(沒有穿消防衣)。 ◎FIRE CAPTAIN消防隊長 △隊長每回合只能花費1命令AP在CAFS滅火專家上。

Flash Point: Fire Rescue

Flash Point: Fire Rescue is a cooperative game of fire rescue. There are two versions of game play in Flash Point, a basic game and expert game. In both ...

Expansions - Flash Point

Flash Point: Fire Rescue (2011). Smoke! Fire! Work as a team to save as many as you can from a blazing inferno. 24K Ratings & 4.7K Comments · GeekBuddy ...

Flash Point

Coordinate a squad of firefighters as they navigate the hazards of a structural fire in search of the survivors trapped inside. Flash Point: Fire Rescue is ...

Flash Point: Fire Rescue 2nd Edition

OVERVIEW: This is a 1-6 player cooperative game about firefighters rescuing victims from a burning building that lasts about one and a half to two and a half ...